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We Maintain our Boundary of Honor


While preaching to a congregation of Pastors he leads, a friend of mine narrated how a young man at a shop always used this phrase to him; “Bishop, set your house in order.” This went on for a long time till one day he asked to know what it all meant. The young man replied; “Bishop, since you took those items, you are yet to pay my money!”

Few people we lead are bold enough to point out our faults. Unfortunately, few of them will keep our faults to themselves!

Everyone has a boundary of honor around their life because all of us bear God’s image. Scripture also says: “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.”(1Tim 5:17)

This implies that leaders have another ‘ layer ‘of honor they deserve by virtue of their position in the church.

In order to remain relevant to God it is our responsibility to remain honorable. Just like a parent once told her teenage daughter; ” …dress decently and people will respect you. If you dress like a harlot, you will attract a similar attitude,” so does God say “set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1Tim 4:12

Unfaithfulness to God dents our integrity and earns us disrespect. For the sake of Christ’s sacrifice and his holy name; – even when we are still ‘work in progress,’ we strive to ensure: Our private and public lifestyles match our public profession of Christ.

When we borrow money, we are eager to pay it back.

We pay our Tithes in full.

We avoid watering down our honor by respecting boundaries of the opposite sex.

We treat the poor believer with respect. We do not frequent believers’ homes just to have a meal!

We respect the grace and anointing on our leaders even when they are our spouses.

We do not peddle the Gospel for personal profit.

We point the flock to Jesus not ourselves.

We use our position for God’s glory not as a cover for greed.

We don’t change our sermons to get an applause from an audience.

We treat our spouses with dignity both in public and in private.


God help me. Let my light shine before men, that they may see my good deeds and praise my Father in heaven in Jesus Name.

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