Results of Frustration
The search for purpose of service to God starts internally. Only God gives the right answer for he made each of us. (Psalm.100:3)
Yet, him endowing us with abilities is only part of the story. The onus is upon us to utilize each gift or talent we have. (Matt.25:14-30)
Unutilized abilities have a tendency of leaving the believer with a gnawing sense of lack of fulfilment to a point of frustration, at this point, such a believer can only get on the right track when they translate such frustration into action, this is the battle of shifting from mediocrity to responsible and productive Christianity.
I’ve encountered brethren who have shifted to productivity. And when properly mentored, the grace abounds on their lives.
Like them, we should value our calling highly.
We should serve willingly with no desire to be needed because we aren’t indispensable. To us, the poor and the rich should be seen as God’s audience. Small and large groups should elicit a similar excitement of service to our Lord Jesus. We honor every other servant in the vineyard because we know that we are here to complement each other and not to compete. We know, we are unworthy servants we only do our duty. (Luk.17:10) We seek no cash handouts for spiritual services rendered to God’s people because freely we received and freely we are to give. We despise being celebrated by mortal man awaiting these words from the Master, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'(Matt.25:21).”