Only Jesus is Reliable
His wife said to him, “Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!” (Job 2:9)
Only God is reliable. Trust him not man. A young man promised a young lady heaven at their wedding. Today, he doesn’t even want to look at her! We visit those who are ill for a short time. When the illness stretches for years, we fizzle out. Jesus is the only one who never leaves nor forsakes (Matt.28:20). [He] is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Num23:19) Trust God.
Abide in God. He is our safe refuge. When we listen with discernment, it is possible to hear the voice of Satan attacking our God from our closest companions. In your integrity, accept to be a fool but let God be honored in you. A few days ago, someone came to our church seeking guidance on a difficult situation. God helped him. He left in peace and joy. He left holding his wife’s hand though the opposite was true at arrival. His lawyers met him and contradicted God’s counsel. He just couldn’t forego the peace he had experienced He didn’t listen to them for once! When you have tasted the goodness of God, it is easier to discern wise from foolish counsel. Abide in Christ, your soul will be anchored.
Remember this always: Some people are in contact with you today only because you have position, power, money, influence …the moment this is taken away, they will disappear. You will never imagine they knew you! It doesn’t mean they are necessarily evil. They are only human. We gravitate to human tendencies of survival wherever we go. Child of God, Jesus is the “friend who sticks closer than a brother”. (Pr.18:24) Abide in him.
It is very tough to maintain a sober spiritual atmosphere and a balanced emotional strength when stretched and strained immeasurably by harsh circumstances. But even in the midst of it all, one thing must remain, never deny the One who promises us life – Jesus Christ the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, help me today. Let me take this day a step at a time looking to You in the midst of this raging storm. In Jesus Name.