No Special Talent
A mission team from our church congregation provided some little money to a family to take their child to hospital. He was emaciated and was urinating blood. Later the child was admitted and recovered fully. The mother who was a Muslim got grounded in the church since then.
We don’t need special talent to care and share our food and clothing with the needy. We need no special talent to visit and pray for the sick. What talent do we need to visit prisoners? We need to be willing and available vessels of the Lord. Share the little we have and see God multiply it to point people to Jesus.
There is a lady at our church who is not schooled like many of us but a giant in the Lord. She is a cook. After her busy day, she steps out every evening and does extensive outreaches to others especially those in distress. In one of our church services, she may be responsible for inviting more than 30% of the congregants to Christ. One time, she encountered a distressed woman who knew very little English but because she badly desired to reach out to her, she used a common English phrase she knew, “come to church”. It paid off! The lady came and we shared Christ with her. Today the one who was invited is born again. Hallelujah!
We don’t need special talent to testify what God has done in our lives to draw people to Christ. We just need to be willing and available. To be learned is an added advantage yet to be obedient and available provides God an immediate opportunity to reach his people.
One day, ” the King will say… ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world…I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’..Matthew:25:34-36. Sometime it doesn’t require much!
Prayer: Lord help me to see need and always show your people your love with the little you have given me. May they be drawn to you. In Jesus Name