Can God Trust me with an Upper Hand

Joseph was no longer a kid. He was a man of great authority yet when he saw his hungry, weak and powerless brothers who had hurt him deeply to the point of attempting to kill him, he said, ” Come close to me.” (Gen.45:4) And he kissed [ all of them] and wept over them Afterward his brothers talked with him. (Gen 45:15)

Now that you have an advantage over those who hurt you deeply, how are you responding?

Maybe they are now elderly and you are in the prime of your life and they need you. Or you may be in a position of authority over them too. Probably, they need your professional help. Could it be that they are wallowing in poverty and you are doing well?

Forgiving someone even before they ask for it is like having the heart of God. “He demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)

It is tough! Several times, Joseph wept bitterly in isolation. (Gen 42:24, 30) and at revealing himself, ” he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh’s household heard about it.” (Gen45:2). You are hurt. Please weep. It is okay. Release those emotions.

Yet with the upper hand you have now, there are choices to make: either to embrace or to embarrass. Will you revenge or plead for God’s mercy? Which is your choice? Let’s choose the way of God.

Recently, I met someone who at no instigation but out of unguarded emotions threatened to do me harm. I hadn’t even met and talked to him!  When I saw him, I spread my arms around him in greetings. My heart was at total peace and freedom. It is indeed liberating.

Release them and you will find that you were the prisoner. Pardon and you will be pardonable (Mk.11:25). Stretch out a hand of mercy and God will trust you with greater heartaches of others (Lk 16:10). Use advantage to redeem what was lost and shine Christ forth.

Prayer: Lord help me overcome _the pain of hurt to show off your love in Jesus Name.

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