Betrayed Trust
“When you share your issues with them, you hear their spouses talking about the same issues and you wonder, who told them?”
“Sometimes, what you told is preached in the next sermon! ”
“I can no longer share my issues in this church. I will go to another, far away from here.”
” I feel so much shame as I step in church.”
” I chose to keep quiet and die with my pain, unshared!”
These and many more are common expressions of broken trust in church.
We welcome drug addicts, prostitutes, sex perverts among other twisted lives in church. There are also many other broken and emotionally tired brethren desperately looking for healing. Each of us has a fragment of insecurity we wish to share with someone we trust.
Many believers languish in masked pains they can hardly share with those entrusted with the call of tending the sheep. Today, a number of church leaders are also struggling with personal heartaches and mental anguish. Few are willing to share their pains with others because of this crisis of confidence. How sad it is to be a shepherd who has no clue about the wounds of the flock!
Appeal: As long as someone doesn’t want to hurt themselves or to hurt others, let’s be like Mary who “treasured all these things in her heart.” (Luke 2:51). Why? It is a sin of gossip for it is written, “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.”